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    first day on set
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    Anna Sumner and Belina Diclemente at the 2020 Golden Globes
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    "It's really difficult to remember a time of my life before Harry Potter and before having Jude, Rupert, Sophie and the rest of them who have been there the entire way. We were always with the adults and such. Go back to school and feel so much detachment from a lot of my peers but I maintained my friendships but it could still feel isolating. Which I believe why the little bunch of us felt like a family. Such a strong unit and when you're living it, it's hard to think about it"
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    Small Bean Belina
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    "I'll never do horror. That whole genre I just have no interest because I'm very squeamish and very much so a scaredy-cat. Whenever someone has put on a scary movie, the lights have had to be turned on and doors and windows locked. Oh right, it also has to be morning after breakfast or before, depends on if it'd make me want to throw up."